
Line segment XY is dilated to create line segment X'Y' using point T as the center of dilation.Point T is the center of dilation. Line segment X Y is dilated to create a shorter line segment X prime Y prime. The length of T X prime is 6 and the length of T Y prime is 9. The length of X X prime is 2.What is YT? 3 units6 units12 units15 units

Accepted Solution

Answer:[tex]YT=12\ units[/tex]Step-by-step explanation:we know thatIf two figures are similar, then the ratio of its corresponding sides is proportional and this ratio is called the scale factorIn this problemTriangles XYT and X'Y'T are similar by AA Similarity Theoremso[tex]\frac{XT}{YT}=\frac{X'T}{Y'T}[/tex]substitute the given values[tex]\frac{8}{YT}=\frac{6}{9}[/tex][tex]YT=9(8)/6\\YT=12\ units[/tex]